Friday 30 September 2011

Design Production- Print//Fred's Seminar & Logo Development.

Yesterday, we had a rather intense, but very useful seminar with Fred. Developed from our lateral thinking excercise the previous day, we went on to work visually- creating logos in several excercises- using three pens of different thickness (to produce various strokes). The excercises consisted of symbol/word/letterform (and combination) designs drawing inspiration from our nine-point lateral thinking summary (see previous posts).

I was rather unhappy with mine, on the whole. I felt completely out of touch with my hand-rendering, despite being a semi- regular with hand-rendered illustration- perhaps the pressure got to me (I am weak).
After the session it was obvious that more detail and focus was needed, which came in the form of Fred's task for the week- for us to create 150 A6 logos, using the same research and lateral thinking methods- using just one colour, and three pens.

The logos I produced can be seen below (I have added just a small selection... don't want to crash blogger with 150 images...)
The complete 150 logos will be presented in Wednesday's seminar session, and in my OUGD201 final portfolio hand-in (the end of module).

These are my selected favourites... 

I think these logos affirm my comfort and ability with image as opossed to type- based design- though it has been fun experimenting with more styles than I usually would, and look forward to learning more about type with Vis Com. tutor Graham in following inductions and weeks (keep looking out on my Design Practice blog for more information!)

I was plaesantly surprised with the work I produced. Although I had not hand-rendered illustrations for some time, it was enjoyable to have a reason to indulge in the practice, and the ideas and visual concepts came surprisingly naturally. Although only a poor work-lady blames her tools, I do suffer from quite regular and painful RSI and tennis elbow...which may be an excuse for the attention to detail/quality of line slipping on a few occasions more than I would have liked. Saying that, there are a good 20-30 designs which I find more than adequate.
Although a few of the designs are also more similar than I would have hoped, I think this shows evidence of natural progression, and my thought process- becoming excited by one concept, and wanting to expand it further.

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