Wednesday 19 December 2012

Design Practice III//LUU Ballet Society Feedback.

A little belated in terms of submission to the module, but really delighted to have received some short and very sweet feedback from the Leeds University Ballet Society in regards to the work put together and proposed for their branded stationary (along with the hoodies which were ordered and have now been distributed).

Very happy indeed.

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Final Major Project.

In preparation for starting upon, and developing research for my Final Major Project in January for the end of the Level 06/degree programme, I have created the Final Major Project blog (linked above and through my sidebar) which will contain all personal, professional practice including personal design development along with contextual research throughout the year.

Sunday 16 December 2012


Accidentally deleted all the tags from the Level 04 'ougd101' module... let's hope that won't need to be re-marked any time soon...

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Design Practice III//Re-Written, Finalised Briefs.

My finalised re-written briefs for the four significant and one additional brief put together for the OUGD301 Design Practice III module, including briefs written for:

Jessie Leong Photography
UK Greetings / YCN 2013
Leeds University Union Ballet Society
James Maxwell Architectural Design

+ Leeds College of Art Christmas Card 2012

Design Practice III//Bibliography.

My completed bibliography submission form for the OUGD301 Design Practice III module.

Ideally, throughout the module I would have kept a continuous written list of all of my sources to help ease the writing up process, (something which I will ensure I do during the final major project module) so, as a result, not ALL of my sources are listed, but perhaps the most significant ones. All other sources can be found on my Design Context blog, here.

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Design Practice III//Brief Submission to YCN.

Officially submitted to the YCN UK Greetings Awards 2012/13, hooray!
Looking forward to submitting to at least one more of the briefs before the March deadline throughout my FMP module.

Design Practice III//YCN Boards Edited For Submission.

Edited submission boards (with the edition of a quick submission page) ready to be sent along and submitted to the YCN UK Greetings brief Student Awards 2012/13.

Generally speaking, I'm pretty pleased with the outcomes and believe they have been well documented, and have been fortunate enough to gain some really positive feedback from friends and my peer group, so fingers crossed for the results from YCN in the New Year!

Design Practice III//Module Submission Form.

The finalised written document for the module submission form, to hand in tomorrow with the body of work presented in wallets and branded folder, with an overview of my briefs and outcomes, as well as a rationale for a brief summary and overview of the work executed throughout the OUGD301 Design Practice III module.

Design Practice III//OUGD301 Evaluation.

The finalised written evaluation for the OUGD301 Design Practice III module, in which I have evaluated my progress throughout the module, my design processes and outcomes, as well as my particular strengths and weaknesses, with elements to improve upon for the next (and final!) module... the final major project.

Design Practice III//Brief Five: Leeds College of Art Christmas Card 2012 Submission Boards.

The finalised submission for the additional, two-day brief for the live competition Leeds College of Art Christmas Card 2012 design, as viewed and judged by marketing (results of the contest are yet to be published).

Again, overall I'm quite happy with the design outcomes of the project, particularly considering the turnaround times, however, I wish that I could have produced a high enough quality print and photographic image to feel happy to represent it on my boards as opposed to a vector-based design, which would have ensured more consistency across my boards, as well as being able to apply it directly to my personal and professional design portfolio.

Design Practice III//Brief Four: James Maxwell Architectural Design Submission Boards.

The finalised design/submission boards for the James Maxwell Architectural Design brief.

Again, like the Leeds University Union Ballet Society brief, I'm a little disappointed with the outcome of both the products and the boards (in regards to the photography), as, by comparison,  I feel that they look particularly rushed and not to the standard I was hoping to achieve- particularly considering that in the Architecture range none of the single-shot photos were of good enough quality, so had to use a group shot again. Hopefully this won't effect the outcome in regards to professionalism/marking of the brief too greatly, and hopefully the concepts and design outcomes can still be successfully conveyed.

Design Practice III//Brief Three: Leeds University Union Ballet Society Submission Boards.

Final boards for submission for the Leeds University Ballet Society brief, developing both the printed stationary range for networking, communication and brand and product outcome professionalism, as well as designing the branded hoodies for existing members of the society.

Overall, I had quite a lot of difficulties with the photo editing, as the pictures were very over-exposed I had to edit out a lot of vignette, and was purely a technical error on my point (but I've definitely learnt from this now). As a result, I couldn't avoid having a real mix of colours on my design boards, so the brand spot colour isn't very distinct, and will, therefore, go on to add artwork files for my CD/module submission.

Design Practice III//Brief One: Jessie Leong Photography Submission Boards.

The final boards (now printed and presented in A2 wallets) for module submission for the Jessie Leong Photography branding brief, with an overview of work, concept and deliverables produced throughout the duration of the collaborative brief along with potential design development and working towards a focus on digital design together in the New Year.

On the whole, I'm pretty pleased with the outcomes of this brief. I feel that I've been given some great and really supportive feedback from both Jessie and my peers, and believe that the product outcome range is extensive and well considered, and hope that the presentation and delivery on the boards does the project and the time exude on it, fair justice.

Design Practice III//Brief Two: UK Greetings / YCN 2013 Submission Boards.

The finalised module submission boards for the UK Greetings / YCN 2013 brief, in which I created my own brand of greetings card and range of gift products to accompany them.

In terms of the scope of my briefs for the module submission, strangely, considering the short time frame and quick development of the brief, this is probably the one I am most proud of, as I took a step out of my comfort zone to work on packaging design (albeit simple packaging) and a really quick turnaround with production values that have impressed others during crits.

Doing a quick competition brief like this one with successful results has definitely given me a confidence boost in regards to what I can achieve, and hope that I can carry this on through to FMP and later on in my personal and professional design practice and career.

Design Practice III//Tuesday Boards To Print.

Jumping over the penultimate submission hurdle with printing the final batch of boards for submission today, having only just finished them this morning, cutting it very fine to the line, as I was particularly picky over my photo editing, and, still, unfortunately, haven't quite met the standard that I would ordinarily hope for with my design outcomes and presentation.

Still, very happy it's done and feeling a little relieved that all have managed to get printed. For FMP I will DEFINITELY design and print my boards as I go along, focusing primarily on one brief at a time to ensure that I achieve the best designs possible, and something that I am really proud to present in my design portfolio.

Design Practice III//Contacting Carys Re Touchline Facebook.

Sending over the work for the ballet society submission boards to Carys today, hopefully to generate some feedback on the brief, and, if not, then just to be able to give her the opportunity to see the work I've done for the module, and potentially open the doors to work together in the future, potentially working on the digital design outcomes (website, online shop, social networking media adaptions, etc.) that we had previously discussed, but, unfortunately, due to time constraints, I simply didn't have the time to complete.

Design Practice III//Touchline Blogging Ballet Society..

Yesterday I got an email from Jamie at Touchline, the embroiders that the Ballet Society and I worked with to produce the hoodies, letting me know that the picture had been shared on their Facebook page. Really happy that the work is out there and being seen, and that the company are as happy with the design as both Carys and I are.

Monday 10 December 2012

Design Practice III//Adjustment Levels Editing.

Something thats proved a little frustrating so close to deadline, which I didn't account for was the amount of photo editing it would take for my photographs to reach a standard that I felt particularly happy with, despite being, as previously stated, an absolutely (OTT) perfectionist in regards to my presentation of my design work, and, in particular, products.

With this self-diagnosed perfectionist issue, it probably wasn't the best idea to shoot my work on a white paper roll backdrop, which resulted in a low of shadow and some over-exposure, thankfully a lot of which could be edited through the soft box lighting, and then adjustment and contrast layers in post-production.

In the future I will definitely look into working with a photographer, or seeking help from someone that specialises in product shoots, as it is such a complex and changeable process, and it would be great to get some images that I'm really proud of in my design portfolio, not ones that sadly "will do" for the meantime and the module submission.

Design Practice III//Leeds College of Art Christmas Card Vector Design Boards.

Throughout my design and module submission boards, I was particularly hoping to ensure that all of my work was well-produced and photographed in respect for future additions to my design portfolio upon graduation and seeking more industry experience, so, unfortunately, I was quite disappointed when the images for the Leeds College of Art Christmas Card 2012 live brief (my additional brief in the series) didn't come out as effectively as I would have liked- the colour looking a little dull and washed out, being over-exposed, and not having enough turn around time to have got the cards professionally printed.

Despite this set back, I have gone on to produce simple vector-based designs from the original concept boards submitted to marketing at the time of the brief release, and hope to get the card professionally made and produced at a later date to re-photograph, as I feel, for it's short turnaround time, it was a successful and considered design concept.

Design Practice III//LUU Ballet Society Twitter Page.

With consideration for the ever-impending deadline and module submission, unfortunately, I've had to cut back on some of the outcomes I was hoping to produce.

This evening I started work on developing the Leeds University Union Ballet Society Twitter and Big Cartel pages, to help promote the society, as well as easing communications and networks with it's existing members.

However, due to technical faults the process was taking extra-ordinarily long, and at this point, it's something I just can't prioritise with as (some) submission boards are yet to be designed and printed, briefs re-written, etc, although it's something I will certainly consider extending upon, and perhaps pursuing outside of the module submission and into the New Year.

This has lead on to a change in my submission boards, reducing the original four boards for the brief down to three, having removing the digital design board within the series.

Design Practice III//Jessie Leong Photography Mock Up/Design Developments.

Unfortunately, due to obvious time constraints (with the module submission around thirty hours away!) I haven't been able to develop the website for the Jessie Leong Photography brief to the extent that I originally hoped and intended for. 

For the sake of module boards for submission, I have generated some quick mock up designs for the web proposal, following the same suit as the printed portfolio with the black and white title page, with full colour, rich images as the drop down menus and projects are selected, something which I have discussed and planned with Jessie in the past.

With both a Twitter and Facebook account prepared for Jessie this module (though not documented on the board for professionalism reasons, more than anything- in both business and aesthetics), hopefully this will be enough to tide her over until we can work together again for the FMP module.

Design Practice III//Brand Preparation For Submission.

Adding the small, yet significant details to the module submission, tomorrow I'm preparing stickers, a wallet spine sleeve and simple CD cover which meet to the designs of my current branding, which is something I hope to explore and apply more throughout the New Year.

Keeping the designs simple, yet hopefully effective (like my design boards themselves) with a  hint of playfulness in the reversed type of the CD cover double sided print design.

Design Practice III//Monday Design Boards To Print.

Not quite finished the design boards, but fortunately, having booked two print slots over two days (of which I'm very relieved now!) I managed to get half of my design boards printed today, and will go on to print the second half, as well as hopefully concluding my work for the module in tomorrow's morning session.

Definitely a few problems along the way (to be blogged asap!) but it's great to see the work coming together at last, and hopefully I'll be able to gain some really constructive feedback through my portfolio in the following weeks as the design work is published both in print and online.

Sunday 9 December 2012

Design Practice III//James Maxwell Feedback.

This afternoon, I was fortunate enough to receive some feedback from one of the clients, James Maxwell, I worked for as part of a branding brief for the OUGD301 module. Considering time constraints, despite the fact that I didn't get to produce all I initially set out to do, James was really happy with the work I've put together at this point, and we've planned to meet over Christmas to discuss future design developments and plans for expanding upon his brand range for the FMP module in preparation for James' graduation show.

Design Practice III//Sending Ballet Society Pictures to Touchline.

This evening I sent along the two most successful pictures taken from Fridays' shoot (with society president, Carys, as our focus model) at the ballet society studio at Leeds University (images taken by Jessie Leong, and edited by myself), as we had previously discussed the designs being printed in the Touchline embroidery brochure, which would be a great opportunity to get exposure for both myself, Jesssie, and, of course, most importantly, the society themselves.

Design Practice III//Submission Board Plan.

Spending this evening on working together to edit my photographs (as taken on Friday) and add the content to my design boards.

Written below, a rough plan for my boards to prepare the content and subject matter for each of the boards within the project/brief range.



Brief One, Jessie Leong Photography

* Full product range
* Stationary- business cards, postcards, letterheads, stamps, stickers, forms
* Digital design- Twitter, Facebook, Website
* Portfolio- Magazine, Sample Pack

Brief Two, UK Greetings & YCN 2013

* Full product range
* Range 1
* Range 2
* Range 3
* Range 4

Brief Three, Leeds University Union Ballet Society

* Full product range
* Clothing (hoodie, tags)
* Stationary- letterheads, compliment slips, receipt cards
* Digital design- Twitter, Big Cartel, email signature

Brief Four, James Maxwell Architectural Design

* Full product range
* Stationary Range 1
* Stationary Range 2
* Stationary Range 3
* Stationary Range 4

Brief Five, Leeds College of Art Christmas Card

* Christmas card
* Digital/moving image design

Saturday 8 December 2012

Design Practice III//Contacting James Maxwell.

Due to our mutually very busy and slightly stressful current life timetables (with my Uni work and freelance work alongside one another, and James competing with a pre-Christmas dissertation submission, on top of his final year Uni work...!), James and I have been in touch less than I think either of us initially expected, and consequently, came a little underprepared into the project, and therefore, I haven't been able to achieve all I initially set out to do.

However, earlier on in the week, James and I agreed that after approving the logo and design concept, he was happy for me to go on and produce work for the sake of the module and then look at working together more closely throughout FMP when we both felt more prepared and potentially more at ease with our workload, therefore being able to refine and expand upon the existing product outcomes.

Earlier today I sent James an informal message in regards to receiving some feedback, which hopefully I will receive in the next couple of days before module submission.

Design Practice III//James Maxwell DL Envelopes.

The finalised print designs for the James Maxwell (various discipline) design DL envelopes to be used for distribution of branded media, letterheads/general information, along with, at a later date, to be carried forward to larger packaging designs for portfolio distribution, etc.

Again, keeping the designs consistent with the rest of the branded range, each discipline has it's own designated greyscale colour and written discipline title/corner crop (not shown her in the vector designs, but will be applied at a later date), but, this time, removing the contact phone number, largely for security reasons.

Design Practice III//James Maxwell Letterheads.

The four varying designs for the finalised James Maxwell letterheads, each with their own corresponding double-sided printed grey colour (20%, 40%, 60% or 80%), and with the significant corner crop to sit neatly with the rest of the set when visually documented and photographed (to be blogged asap).

Design Practice III//James Maxwell Compliment Slips.

Compliment slips designed for the four various disciplines of James Maxwell's personal and professional practice as part of his branded stationary range, a simple addition to the printed outcome range with double-sided print in the varying shades of grey, each with the different discipline titles, be it 'Interiors', 'Design', 'Architecture', or 'Architectural & Interior Design'.

Design Practice III//James Maxwell Business Cards.

Artwork and designs for the range of x4 disciplines of James Maxwell business cards, which cover Interiors, Design, Architecture and Interiors & Architectural Design.

The colour scheme represents James' love of robust, strong construction materials in his own work and the work of others, such as concretes and stone, whilst the logo and cut of the cards reflect his interest in geometry within his Architectural Design.

Design Practice III//LUU Ballet Society Facebook.

With very little action on my part (having the existing Facebook account in place), admittedly, the Facebook page for the Leeds University Ballet Society is coming together with it's new brand logo put in place, and now with the addition of the photograph(s) of Carys, the Ballet Society President taking during the hoodie drop-off session yesterday (images taken by Jessie Leong, later edited by me).

This afternoon I'm hoping to work on more aspects of the Ballet Society digital networks including a proposed Big Cartel shop and Twitter page.

Design Practice III//OH PIG.

I spent all of yesterday documenting and taking photographs of my finalised work (images to be blogged asap), but totally forgot to shoot images of my wrapped presents for the UK Greetings/YCN 2013 brief. Whoops. Hopefully YCN/UK Greetings and Assessment tutors will still like what my work and product range has to offer!

Friday 7 December 2012

Design Practice III//Product Photography.

Earlier on today, I had a great opportunity of having a photography studio booked out at Uni, complete with lights and equipment for around five hours to document all of my work in preparation for editing (all images here are before post-production edits, such as lighting changes, crops, etc.), with the help of Jessie Leong, one of my collaborative partners (a photography student at the Uni of whom I designed her personal and professional branding for) setting up the lighting, I was free to compose my images and set up and take the photographs.

Quite happy with the outcomes so far- looking forward to getting them prepared for finalising my design boards over the next couple of days as well as preparing the work for my online and print-based design portfolio as I go on to seek experience and employment throughout the New Year and upon graduation.

Design Practice III//LUU Ballet Society//Taking Hoodies To LUU Ballet Society.

This evening, I got the opportunity to take along the Leeds University Union Ballet Society hoodies along to the group to have them finally delivered and photographed for my work, as well as their own personal social networking, and, as contacted and requested by Jamie Warner at Touchline (the company responsible for the embroidery logo), to be printed and distributed in their brochure in the New Year (exciting times!).

Collaborative partner and photographer, Jessie Leong, very kindly agreed to come along with me and document the hoodie distribution- capturing these great photos of Ballet Society President, Carys Blackbourn in the ballet studio environment.

Thursday 6 December 2012

Design Practice III//James Maxwell Compliment Slips.

The devil's in the detail... Despite the short time frame I've been left with to develop the outcomes for James' branding and branded print stationary brief, I still want to pay particular attention to small details to make the outcomes look as professional and clean as possible, despite various set-backs faced.

On the original compliment slips printed for James, the type looked far more dense on the bottom line, as well as the name within the logo, and looked overwhelming bottom-heavy with little regard for hierarchy of text.

Hopefully, small changes such as these will go on to make a big difference in the overall visual result and professionalism of the stationary and brand project outcomes.

Design Practice III//James Maxwell Architectural Design Outcome Developments.

Over the past few days, I've been working on the quick turnaround and design development of the James Maxwell Architectural Design branded stationary brief (to be re-written and blogged asap in preparation for the module submission).

Despite the short time frame, having reduced time as a result of spending more time on other projects than I probably should have done, I've managed to produce a condensed body of work which encompasses the original design outcomes we discussed with the 'JM' logo and colour scheme used, along with the cut of the paper, reflecting James' interest in robust, geometric design (with a concrete-grey colour palette), with the four colours representing different disciplines in which James is interested in pursuing- Interiors, Design, Architecture and Interiors & Architectural Design, each of which has been given it's own condensed branded stationary range with colours varying in 20% key (CMYK) with each range- 20%, 40%, 60%, and 80%.

Throughout the quick turnaround, for each of the disciplines I have produced compliment slips, business cards,  a custom logo, post it notes (for a fun novelty!), letterheads and envelopes (not shown in screen shots).

I also went on to design ruled notecards, but decide to discard these as they started to make the outcomes look too corporate and a little bland.

Due to time constraints, I haven't been able to make a contacts notebook or a CV design (with a lack of information given by James) as I would have originally hoped, but managed to write up a cover letter within the body of the copy letter (proposed as a letter to one of James' favourite studios and Architects, Thomas Heatherwick (Heatherwick Studios)), which I feel will help the documented and photographed work have more substance and realism as a professional body of work.

PDF copies of files and photographs to be blogged asap.