Monday 18 October 2010

ammendments to my alphabet soup task 2 project.

From my crit session on Friday afternoon, I (as have the entire form group!) have gone back to evaluate my alphabet soup typeface project, to make any necessary experimental ammendments to the series from feedback and suggestions recieved from both my tutors, Jo and Amber, and the crit group I was with in the particular session.

I am really looking forward to experimenting this week, and know I will be kept very busy with styles and methods to experiment with- such as drawing my alphabet in lowercase (as oppossed to the uppercase that Chloe original requested for design), creating different effects of texture for the filler, experimenting with different exsisting fonts to expand from, etc.

Today I made a quick start on stripping my perhaps, over complicated, typeface down by showcasing 'A', 'B', 'C', and 'D' letter forms in simper versions of my typeface outcome last week.

The top line shows the outline of the final letters, the second line showing the inside filler, and the third showing a new, wood-grain-esque texture.

I think the top line is quite interesting, to see how the interior shapes create an abstract shape around the outline of the basic font, however, I don't think that they strongly visually represent any aspect of Chloe's personality (though experimentation is always helpful and i can see how it is already really developing my way of thinking through design!)

I quite like the middle row, as when it's stripped away, I can see that perhaps the thick, black outline of the letterforms is perhaps not neccessary- however, I would certainly need to redesign the alphabet in this fashion if I chose it to make the style both more consistent, legible, and readable.

The third, again, was an interesting experimentation, though i'm not sure that the concept of the patterned texture is strong enough to represent Chloe's bold character.

More to come soon!

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