Sunday 5 December 2010

Design Process- Software Workshop- Photoshop.

The Brief:
Produce a set of ten postcards that explore your given colour:

The postcards must be based upon photographs you have taken in the colour theory session.

You must work in CMYK mode (cyan, magents, yellow, key) for print.

You should use your research and experience to date as well as your studio based visual investigations as a starting point.

The process:
During the workshop you will be introduced to a range of tools and procedures available to you in Photoshop. These will include selection tools and methods, working with layers, colour manipulation and compositing.

Having been introduced to these tools you should use your own private study time and studio development to further develop your skills in response to this brief.

Adobe Photoshop is primarily used for the image manipulation, compositing and the colour management of images. When used as a tool for visual investigation it offers the potential for the rapid generation of visual variations and possibilities that can be used as a springboard for further development.

Not all your investigations should take place on the Mac. Digital image capture methods such as scanning and digital photography allow you to import media from a range of sources (photographs, photocopies, drawings, tracings, found material, etc.)

Once you have imported this material how can you manipulate using the tools and capabilities of Photoshop (cropping, selecting, layering, repeating, colour changes, reversing out, etc.)

Mandatory Requirements
In preperation for the first session you must have selected a series of your own photographic images to work with.

The postcards must exist as part of a set/series and must focus on your given colour.

Session 1- Photoshop induction.
Session 2- Importing/format/colour.

A set/series of ten A5 double-sided postcards.
A quantity of visual investigation/research.

Studio Deadline

Friday 14th February 2011.

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