Saturday 22 January 2011

Designing Moustaches.

Above, I've created some really simple moustache vector designs on illustrator, using different colours and scales in the handlebar style. Considering making a swatchbook, I could design individual style moustaches (in accordance to the celebrities who "own" them) in a vector style, keeping them clean and crisp in design.

After experimenting with the idea of creating vector designs, I created some paper cut moustaches (this time appropriate to the celebrity styles), and scanned them into the computer. I then opened the images in the adobe illustrator programme to apply the 'live trace' tool- which transformed my scanned images into black vector designs. 

This tool was a great asset as I managed to transform a large bulk very quickly- however, I would need to use the 'trace and expand' tool if I were to have a colour other than black.
I really liked this process, but I felt that the images were a little flat, and I would like a bit more texture and definition in my images- more experimentation needed! 

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