Monday 26 December 2011

Design Production for Digital//Top 10//Harewood House, Leeds.

I had completely forgotten about Harewood House's penguins until I was kindly reminded by a friend from Uni this morning. Harewood House, located in Leeds is a residential building which houses art, antiques and is home to tropical wildlife and animals in it's gardens- one animal group being, as aforementioned, penguins (Humboldt species). Researching a little more into Harewood House, this was definitely be a viable option to go and visit before returning to University in January.
Also, another facility available, upon booking, is to help feed the penguins (on a diet of anchovies, sardines and other equally stinky fish...) but unfortunately this is unavailable until March- after the module hand in- shame, would have made a great photo opportunity! (Though I probably will still do this, to meet my own childhood zoo keeping dreams...)

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