Wednesday 3 November 2010

visual language: sequence through space.

In today's visual language workshop, we worked in groups to produce sequences of letterforms through space. Here, Cherry is shown drawing a template to begin working with- with our cut-out 'M' view-finder stuck to the seat of a stool.

Our view for the next couple of hours!
The aim of the task was to use perspective to create the illusion of a letter 'M'- dissecting the letterform in three parts and suspending paper at different distances to create the illusion of the solid letter.

Here, (assisted by classmate Baljeet showing us the where the third section of our 'M' should be!) we show two of the sections of our letterforms- one being 2.5 sheets of vertical red card stuck on the back wall- and one being twice the size of the view finder template- stuck on the stool behind.
Often challenging to work out the size the sections should be at certain perspective points- but really rewarding to see how clever this illusion is once done right!

A side-view, showing the actual distances between the paper sections.

Without a low ceiling to suspend the mid-section from, we improvised for the last piece- with my hand! Not quite perfect, but around mid-way between the first two paper segments, we had the 'V' bridge in the center of the letter.

As aformentioned, after taking the time to sit down and calculate particular measures, and think carefully about the perspective of the letterform, our group found this task really interesting, and certainly a new experience. 
I will definately look to experiement with this technique again in the near future- I could create some really unique and creative pieces and have definately come away inspired.

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