Tuesday 5 April 2011

Constellation Vectors.

Beginning to experiment with creating and representing constellations digitally through vector design on Adobe Illustrator- here, Andromeda, Antila, and Apus- the first three constellations in the alphabetical series.

Although I prefer these to the hand drawn styles, as they are neater and more accurate (important in a visual guide to inform and teach) though I feel it would look far more effective when screenprinted- with metallic prints (or even glow in the dark!) looking far more aesthetically intruiging and eye-catching as opposed to these currently flat designs- reassured to print onto black card, as I originally planned- a far more bold and visually representative design.

I will continue to design the eighty-five other constellation designs, and then experiment from then on, including information and sourcing tips about the constellations.

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