Sunday 10 April 2011

'Speaking from experience' research brief questionnaire feedback...

The response and feedback recieved from members of the LCA BA (Hons) Graphic Design group (Level 04/Year 1)...

1. yes
2. 80-90
3. yaff ♥
4. too much work.
5. keep on top of work or shit piles up.
6. kindof, thought it would be more
7. going bed late during the week and getting up for college, and having to get up early at weekends to work means i never get to sleep anymore.
8. 5-6
9. lots of debt.
10. yaff

NB: Yafet is THE man.

1) yes
2) 100% heck yes!!!
3) coming to uni because i enjoy being here
4) early mornings
5) Freds cooking tips and what we learnt about pagination and laying out a book on a large sheet
6) yes, its hard work but its fun
7) no, i never loose sleep over anything :) i need it too much
8) 8 ish, depends if the cat wakes me up at 4
9) Yes, until quit my job, turns out that the weekly top up of £15-20 helped more than i thought :) now i just cant buy things until 29th April *cries*
10) typeogateaux was rather epic 

(Beth Yates, YOU are epic)

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