Wednesday 9 March 2011

Communication is a Virus: Group Developments for Today.

A really good day for group discussion and plans for Friday's presentation today- although Michael was once again sadly unavilable to attend any talks, we discussed a lot of key factors and points as to our progression over the next two days...

-Responsibilities within the group (briefly discussed): 
Liam- chief designer- 

whilst we all felt a reasonable amount of skill within ourselves in regards to the use of digital software, pride would have to be over-ruled by efficency and skill- with two years experience on an ND graphic design course at college, Liam definately has the upper hand on the group- he has bold, playful style well suited to children's imagery and literature and can translate our ideas into designs at a very efficent, speedy pace.
Sadie, Yafet and I (Sophie)-

Research, Production, Presenting- Multi- Taskers, we both feel comfortable to take on most roles- dipping in and out of fields, very organized and aware of our skills and capabilities.

Whilst we both still wanted to partake in the design process, we feel this may be best suited to the later stages- whilst helping with the concepts and designs and the intial stages, Liam would have main repsonibility- we would be in charge of experimental process such as digital print, book binding, screenprinting, etc.


Due to absence, unable to talk to Michael about his core responsibilities with the group. I feel he will (as discussed in our initial workshop) be best suited for presentations and concept development.

Development of our project and the next stages:

-3 presentational A2 boards to be completed by tomorrow's session

method and distribution

-Liam experimenting with different styles, colours etc.

-Sadie and I researching lies told by children- content for the book/web page.

-Yafet researching ways in which the content can be presented- tone of voice, wordplay, etc.

Michael- As of yet, undecided.

After a talk today, each memeber of the group is generally happy with presenting, but the responsibility will largely be held by myself and Sadie, as the most confident speakers of the group.

Really happy with the progress today- everyone getting on with their own responsibilities and working hard- so far, it's been a real pleasure to work with my other group mates, and I feel really inspired by their enthusiasm and ideas- team work is the way forward!

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