Monday 7 March 2011

Communication is a Virus- Problems to Solve.

We were given a list of problems to communicate throughout design in our groups at the end of our briefing session. The list of possible outcomes to choose from were as followed...

1. Get people to try something new.
2. Get people to tallk and to communicate more.
3. Get people to read more.
4. Get people to give more.
5. Get people to tell the truth more.
6. Tell a lie convincingly.
7. Get people to use public transport more.
8. Get people to recycle more.
9. Get people to use their vehicles more responsibly.
10. Get people to live healthier lives.

As a group it was pretty decisive on the sort of routes we would like to follow- either number 3. "Get people to read more" (I believed this would be good, very topical as "the year of reading"- lots of media attention already!) or number 6. "Tell a lie convincingly" as this could be really fun and playful and let a lot of intepretation and flexibility (the loves and drives of all of the members of our group).

As far as I can see, I imagine that the group will probably choose number 6, as it suits our playful personalities (we worried about the other options being a little "too preachy"- worried that we would appear patronising) though for the meanwhile, we have decided to research both options to see what oppurtunities would arise, and would be most suitable for a graphic design format.

(see design context blog for further research!)

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