Monday 21 March 2011

Pranks and Larks: Communication is a Virus.

This morning, we gathered as a group and decided upon the ten practical jokes we would focus on, along with names. These included...
-The banana split (slicing a banana in it's skin, unbekwnost to the peeler)
-Rude awakening (hiding alarm clocks around a room, all set to the same hour)
-A weighty issue (challenging someone to move their hands with two pints on top of them- and then walk off)
-Faux gateaux (cover a box with cake frosting, and get an unbeknowst cutter to attempt to slice it)
-Polystyrene falls (fill a hallway with polystyrene balls, to watch them fall onto someone as they open their door)
-Money doesn't grow on pavements (stick money to a pavement, and watch people attempt to pick it up)
-A kick in the bum (leaving a sticky note stick-side up for someone to sit down on)
-Dope on a rope (creating an "invisble rope" act- with friends alongside, pretending to step over the "rope", onlookers will be bemused and do the same)
-Water, water, everywhere and every drop to drink (whilst sleeping, fill a friend's room floor with cups of water to the brim- the only way they can escape dry is to drink them all)


-The penny drops (covering the edge of a penny in ink, and then tricking somebody to rolling it up and down their face)

We liked that all these jokes had the "corny factor" that they were classics, but were so becuase they still worked every time. How we execute our design will be the eye-catching, modern factor- a design not specifically for children, which we think the market is thus far lacking.

We also talked about possible developments including...

Type of book (Pamphlet stick, approx 25 pages- 10 DPS + front, back, intro, etc)
Categorisation of the April Fools'- a statistical star rating
2 colours plus stock


-Pranks completed by the end of Tuesday, with basic designs
-Designs completely finished by Wednesday
-Print and make book on Thursday
-Posters and Powerpoint on Thursday
-Presentation on Friday

-We will now go on to complete these pranks, some individually designated, and some group tasks to assess their effectiveness as primary research for our development-

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