Monday 14 March 2011

Simple Designs and Trickery...

Creating simple signs and notices, in hopes to decieve and confuse the passer-by. Often very simple and naturalistic, we want people to believe the notices could be real.
Many of the notices designed were inspired by a comment that our tutor, Amber, made in an informal discussion... that people will automatically obey orders, if they are visually presented with them...definately something to experiment with...

Simple slapstick gag- this one will be quite easy to observe, and hopefully, therefore, document the lie's success.  

Inspired by tutor Amber's comments about orders- could stick this onto a mac or PC and watch how people respond to it- would they take it seriously, or just go one to use it as they normally would and disregard the message? 

Taking inspiration from the Craig notes we researched, creating a long-winded "thought-process"-like written piece. 

...Testing people's bravery/foolishness...

 Perhaps place on a stairwell...on every other stair? Would be quite interesting to see if people would take this seriously as it would be quite visually ridiciulous and improbable- yet still looks informative and orderly.

I saw a sign similar to this a few months ago, and it made me laugh- looking for a wide audience but then being very specific. Will be very interesting to see if we get any responses to this tall tale! 

...I think I would probably fall for this one! The classic times new roman typeface along with the official logo may trick people into a false state of belief...looking forward to seeing how people respond to this...

I really think keeping it natural and simple will help our designs- blending into the every day singnage as much as possible and using our cunning to seem as honest and natural as possible- acting completely normally as you would aim to do if you were telling a verbal lie.

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