Wednesday 7 November 2012

Design Practice III//James Maxwell Business Card Developments.

In preparation for tomorrow's peer group crit session, I made a few small edits to the initially designed James Maxwell business cards, this time reversing out the back of the designs as I felt that some of the text was lost due to the stroke weight, and therefore have also gone on to increase light to regular, and regular to bold in the contact details/job description of the cards.

At the moment I feel a little lost with the design, and feel as though I would really benefit from the feedback of others in tomorrow's session, particularly as to whether or not I should continue working with the various card designs, or to condense the printed outcomes with a single card which represents James' entire practice, particularly considering that this project isn't one of the four substantial briefs, but merely an additional brief, and therefore don't want it to take up the time of other projects I could be using to refine my outcomes more carefully.

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