Tuesday 16 October 2012

Design Practice III//Orange Juice Merchandise Type Experimentation.

This afternoon, I spent some more time working on the developments of the application of the Orange Juice reunion tour branding, similar to the work I started yesterday- determining how I use type and the overall basic layout design that I will start to experiment with for the promotional gig tickets over various venues, which will be researched and blogged upon my Design Context blog.

With a new found respect for editorial and typographic design,  I've been lucky enough to have feedback from peers in the group, deciding upon the colour palette and overall layout design- starting to come up with something I'm happy with, and look forward to exploring various "rip" effects to visually communicate the themes of the title of the 'Rip it Up' reunion tour. Potentially a little obvious, but it'll be fun to  explore a more "cut and paste" 1980's style of work and to add a little more variation to my design portfolio.

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