Friday 9 March 2012

Image//Book Works//Mock-up book.

Before printing and trimming the individual pages of my final resolution book/publication design, I wanted to ensure that everything would go to plan (especially considering I have never made a perfect bind book before...). Inspired by a video tutorial seen on Youtube (blogged previously on my Design Context blog), I followed the instructions of trimming, clipping, acid free PVA glueing the spin, clamping, and then covering with the cover (in the same method) and pressing to achieve the bind design.
In this mock-up example, I designed the book at half the scale of my resolved outcome, but with the same bright-white bulky newsprint stock (which I will print my final design onto) to ensure that the same gsm and thickness would be consistent and bind in the same fashion.
Although it took a couple of attempts and re-glueing of the spine on the first attempt, I was very pleased with the final resolution, and feel happy to go on to use this binding method for my printed design outcomes- surely progressing as they are made for a crisper, more considering visual outcome as practice makes perfect!

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