Wednesday 23 November 2011


Felt a bit lost lately in terms of design, and decided this evening to write a list about "me"... my interests, inspirations and what drives me. Could be a good resource to return to in terms of briefs and a bit of drive... made me happy to indulge in my loves in a good old listy format (I love making lists too, FYI).

- Europe
- Traveling
- Surface pattern design
- Literature
- Children's literature
- Roald Dahl
- Cartography
- Existentialism & Nietzsche
- Greek mythology
- Film
- World Cinema
- Graphic Novels
- Photography
- Editorial
- Hand-rendered type
- Vector-based illustration
- Colour
- Human biology
- Semiotics
- Baking
- Neurology
- Underwear
- Georgian Monarchy
- Animation
- Kate Bush
- Relationships
- Cycling
- Gustav Klimt
- Religion
- Arts & Crafts
- Illustration
- Birds
- Vinyl Records
- Publishing
- Dreams
- Childhood
- Cultures & Civilizations
- France
- Theatre
- Costume
- Retail
- Screen printing
- Retrospectives
- Entrepreneurship
- Shropshire
- Letterpress
- Neurology
- Embroidery
- Letter writing
- Education

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