Saturday 19 May 2012

Design Practice II//Product/Range/Distribution//Body copy.

One of the major points given to me throughout the feedback and crit session earlier on in the week was looking at my body copy, and choosing a typeface that was more communicative of my subject matter, as well as being more readable for my target audience.

For me, it felt like quite a change as I haven't used a serif typeface (coincidence?) in around a year, so definitely felt like a beginner again when choosing an appropriate design. I wanted something that was readable and legible, but also slightly contemporary to suit my modern audience, and wouldn't automatically seem intimating or overwhelming to read. 

Garamond was originally suggested, but I felt it was a little too decorative and light. Although the tracking on Times/Times New Roman was well suited, it doesn't print well, and, again, wouldn't be a great choice. After a quick search online, I found a typeface reasonably similar to TNR named 'Cardiff' (see above), which had good, rounded terminals and a slightly increased tracking which would make for a more comfortable read for my age group I am working on producing the book for (9-11 year olds). Also, at 10/12pt (leading) and with a good leading between paragraphs, I'm quite happy with this choice for my body copy, especially after a couple of print tests.

Combining the 'Cardiff' serif body copy with my existing Paper Cut Sans typeface didn't sit well- need to also make a choice on an appropriate typeface for title pages and the cover design of the book (experimenting with a few more decorative styles below). Currently considering using 'Abril Fatface' (see type below, top left hand corner) which is quite playful, yet still has traditional elements- just need to edit the terminals so they're slightly more rounded, and more suited to the vector-based illustrative style I'm working with.

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