Wednesday 16 May 2012

Design Practice II//Product/Range/Distribution//Experimenting with colour.

After today's feedback session, I went on to start with some simple experiments looking into colour, and how most effectively to apply it to my designs. Starting out for a little inspiration, I looked on Adobe Kuler for inspiration with both pastel and bright colour palettes.

After a really simple colour aplication (just for a quick reference), I went on to post the design on various social networking sites, in order to gain feeback from both Graphic Design friends, and others, for a well-rounded and unbiased point of view, and gained some really helpful ideas- perhaps working with darker colours, halftones/highlights/shadows, or working in various greyscales.

Some of the existing illustrative designs I've been working on- as of yet, nothing entirely complete (too fussy about vectors for my own good).

After applying the suggested colouring styles to a simple apply vector, again, gaining more feedback, as well as being able to look more objectively at the designs (alongside one another), I feel that the colour with the highlights and shadows will work most effectively. I'm a little disappointed, as I feel that the 200 Books range that I am proposing won't be as distinctive or individual as a paper-cut style would hav been, but at this point I know I have to work with what is visually communicative, and most suitable for the audience. Busy weekend of illustrating ahead!

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