Wednesday 23 May 2012

Design Practice II//Product/Range/Distribution//Reading pack net.

Again, much like the book cover, the presentation pack, unfortunately, had met a bit of a compromise in regards to the time constraints I'm up against. Wish I'd started these designs earlier and had more focus at this stage (this time a week ago I was still using black and white... despite feeling like not a lot has been done, there's a big change in the work outcomes).

Again, keeping the designs consistent and in keeping with the rest of the products within the monthly book range. I will propose that for each month a different pack and set of products are produced, all of which remain consistent with one another (for example, 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' would have a chocolate repeat print pattern, whereas 'Peter Pan' would have stars).
I feel the design is a little too simple, and there's not enough information being put across, but hopefully I can work this into my poster and reading planner designs. As this presentation pack is primarily aimed at the target audience (9-11 year old schoolchildren), and I think, in that respect, the simplicity works. When the products are within the folder, it'll obviously look a great deal more eye-catching and busy too- and any more details may be unnecessary, or slightly clutter the overall aesthetic outcome.

More photos and development as the net is printed and photographed.

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