Tuesday 10 May 2011

InDesign Brief: Design Feedback.

Today in our workshop session with Lorenzo, we got into small group to discuss our design developments of both the magazine type and grid work, as well as the InDesign DPS brief, and had a really good oppurtunity to discuss and reflect upon our work and design developments. 

Generally, I recieved good reviews of my type and grid magazine development work- though it became clear to me even by looking and really examining the work that a lot more abstract experimentation would have been really beneficial- though I was pleased with the detail and attention that I paid to all of my thumbnail sketches.

The same sort of rules applied to my InDesign DPS of Beth- a good start, and particularly a good colour scheme ("looks very sophisticated") but a lot more experimentation would greatly benefit my work. The most important points raised by myself and other members of the group include:

* leading of the header- consider the spacing between lines and the typeface used.
* stretch out picture- unusual angle.
* define more grid structure- perhaps break down the type into 3 columns?
* "article by" section smaller- less attention needed.
* add folios- looks more professional.
* "arts and culture" page divide- adds more visual interest and professsionalism- more context.
* experiment more with type colours, typefaces, pt sizes, etc.

I intend to put this feedback into action as soon as possible- hopefully getting the oppurtunity to make ammendments by the weekend (at the latest!) in order to have everything ready to print by the module deadline of 26th May.

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