Tuesday 17 May 2011

Speaking from Experience: Papercraft Items To Date.

The Paper Craft Items I have made so far for this project. Although I think that the products are okay, I can see a lot of faults in them. Being a slight perfectionist, I am finding it quite frustrating that the angle of a net might not be "quite right" or a stick cut "slightly wonky", and the whole process is taking a lot longer than I had anticipated largely due to the nature that I want to get everything perfect). Although it may seem like a mad, rash decision, I have decided once again to change direction (with only two days to go before final crit this may prove a little risky!)- as I keep thinking about the idea of printing onto tea towels, and how much more affective this would be, in terms of answering the brief, than the papercraft instillation, I would like to persue this- and experiment a lot more with vector and illustrative design. However, I will use elements of the three-dimensional design that I have created to add shape and definition to my designs. I will also still continue to experiement with hot dog booklets and posters to hopefully achieve something that I feel far more confident with.

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