Saturday 14 May 2011

Speaking from Experience: Progress Crit Feedback.

On Friday morning I was part of a progress group session with several of my classmates, as well as tutor Jo, discussing the development of our project and where we should be taking it at this current stage.

I explained my thought processes and what I had planned, (see the rest of my design practice blog, for details!) and this was the feedback I recieved from both Jo and the other classmates:

* Making a lot of work for myself...will I manage to do it all in time?
-I knew it would be a struggle and constant work load to get all of my work done, but am very determined- though could certainly see their point! I'm definately a perfectionist with my work.
* Bring it back to the design brief- making it specific to the Graphic Design course. E.g...inform about the energy-rich foods, but then apply them to a useful context..."oats will give a slow release through the day...perfect for an all-day workshop" etc.
* Perhaps make an instillaiton? Show off my work and create a tactile experience. 
-I was really pleased that Jo and the other group members seemed to respond so well to my work- Jo commented how whilst putting the designs onto tea towels was a fun idea, the detail might get lost (in the weave of the fabric) and the craft wouldn't be shown to it's best ability- a really valid point, and something which I started to consider greatly.
* Shop instillation? Allow for a tactile experience. Perhaps make take-away mini milk cartons with details of blog (?) and more info on the back.
* Make a blog about specific foods in the diet- the "big 20"(?)- write about why they specifically help designers, meal suggestions, etc. DON'T OVER COMPLICATE THINGS. BACK TO BASICS! 
* Possibly also create a hot dog fold booklet? Print and web based? Poster designs, etc. Photograph items.

I was really appreciative of the feedback, and it may be consider many outcomes which had completely passed my mind at the start. In the original workshop with Fred, I wrote about how much I enjoyed instillation paper crafts, yet, for some reason, completely by-passed the method of delivery for this particular brief.

I am strongly considering this for an outcome. As opposed to using my recipes, I would highlight the particular "high-energy foods" (therefore, reducing my workload...always a bonus!) and then provide meal suggestions on the online blog. Definately a feesable task in the time, now I just need to contact Amber about the possibility of setting my instillation up and seeing how she would respond to this.

Back to work!

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