Tuesday 31 May 2011


Marie Antoinette image I was originally considering incorporating into my presentation for the "let them eat cake" finale (when I give cakes to everyone, naturally...) but I've been stuck in such a rutt for the past few days. Since coming to Uni my confidence in my own abilities has been pummeled, and when I create a drawing I actually like, I can never edit the colours properly. Grr. I am destined to a monochrome life forever. I feel so stuck, like I have so much to learn but no time to learn it. Like I'm so far behind in my skills set comparatively to the rest of the ~design world~. Boo hoo to me. Somehow, I need to make money for a WACOM tablet, a Mac, a proper scanner, and the Adobe Suite for a Mac, to convince myself I have all the tools necessary. Might harvest a kidney over the summer.

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