Thursday 19 May 2011

Speaking from Experience: Tiredness Brainstorming.

So far with my designs, although I feel I have touched upon informing people about specific energy-rich foods, I don't feel as though I have given people enough information regarding why they need this energy-rich diet- with no persuasive reasoning and explination into the side effects of tiredness. A bit of scare-moungering is needed methinks. Decided to brainstorming both the effects of tiredness, and what role this goes on to play in the Graphic Design course...
effects of tiredness:

- withdrawn
- low self-esteem
- depression- feeling inadequate compared to those "designing with ease"
- anti-social
- avoidant behavioural tendancies
- dull or tired complexion
- reduces productivity within work
- lack of interest or commitment with activities
- limited excercise- feeling sluggish
- affects on physical or mental health
- stress
 - insomnia
- lack of appetite
- diminished concentration
- restlessness
-weight loss
-impaired memory

(At some stage...speaking from experience (see what I did there)...I'm sure I would have felt many, if not all of these symptoms whilst on the course so far)

effects of tiredness side-effects on the Graphic Design course:

- lack of interaction with fellow students and tutors results in a lack of raport
- constant worrying and "mental punishment" that your work isn't good enough
- bitterness or jealousy of other designers- it won't make you any friends
- no bonding between yourself and fellow students- leads to a minimal social life= never being able to escape your work
- however determined you are, your work won't get completed, or to the standard of your expectations
- no outside university interest to maintain balance in your life
- constant worrying about your work= limited rationality and organisation when it comes to juggling various briefs
- you won't want to get up in the morning- and you have to be in uni for at least four days a week- and early too
- lack of appetite causes a lack of nutrients in the body, making you generally weaker and prone to illness- affects your attendance- affects your overall grade
- there's so much to remember- you learn new things every day- software and practical workshops, type and grid work- you can't afford to loose that information

I think these points are really key to expressing the purpose of my project and hopefully portray my reasoning a little more clearly. I will introduce this into one of my next designs- either a hot dog fold booklet or a swatch book.

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