Friday 6 May 2011

Speaking from Experience: Feedback from crit session.

Overall, I was really pleased with the feedback I recieved from tutors Jo and Amber in our feedback critque session. After presenting my ideas to the group, we discussed my deliverables and ways I could visually develop my concept- which I admit I am/was still a little unsure of.

My key points to discuss and develop upon were:

-How do I make it my own? Good sources of inspiration, but I need to make them individual and unique, and in accordance with my style.
-Method of delivery- how do I make it innovative and useful?
-Try to limit the food choices a little- don't want to confuse people, or give them too many options.

I will now go on to brainstorm and develop more ideas in regards to how I can create my final piece and develop my design practice for this project.

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